
We are under 20 days of school

I hit my breaking point with school today. Everything that could go wrong is going wrong. A teacher told me that I need to remember that I can't be too hard on myself. I can't let things that are out of my control get to me. I can't control attitude. I can't control when students make poor decisions. And I certainly can't control the leadership that we have in the building. With that said here are the redeeming things from my day:

1. I subbed for an absent teacher today and had the chance to really connect with a student who is struggling with his grades. He was so funny and candid. I hope he makes wise choices.

2. I've had the pleasure of catching up with former students. They are doing well! It's good to know that they learned something from me. They are so grown up, smart, and mature. They are surprised when I remember their names! How could I not remember such an awesome group!?!?

3. I realized that I should not feel isolated in the job. There are others going through what I am. Unfortunately, I truly cannot problem solve my way out of this. I've tried. I am dealing with brick walls and deaf ears. They think simplistically and cannot see into a situation for how it really is. Such a misfortune!

bye for now...

1 comment:

Curt Wood said...

This is one strange wedding blog:)