
Our Fall Weekend

...was fantastic despite Curt working both Saturday and Sunday. Raise your hand if you like this weather! note: i'm raising my hand :) i'm a lot more motivated to be out and about versus hiding inside where the A/C is running on max :).

fall is nostalgic for me in that I do my best running at this time of the year. on saturday after my run i came to the conclusion that running for me is 60% physical and 40% mental. also, i think both me and Curt have bodies that function more efficiently in cooler, drier weather. and mentally it's more enjoyable because i'm not dwelling on the fact that the heat is causing my brain to explode in my skull. yes, that's what it feels like for me when it's above 85 degrees (walking or sitting) or 70 degrees (running).

so yes. fall is great. we took advantage of the weekend by doing the following:
Friday: met up with my teacher friend Evan and his wife Carolyn for coffee, then me and Curt had dinner in Uptown
Saturday: went shopping with my sister at the Galleria, Ikea, and various shops at MOA, then I went to their house to check out the nursery. lookin good I must say. can't wait for Barnibus' arrival. lastly we had dinner at home and watched TV.
Sunday: We had Trent, Marcy, and Cole over for breakfast. Cole is getting quite mobile. Look out! Then we had Nate, Nikki, and Claire over for dinner. I have always had a special spot in my heart for Claire. But I must testify that she's exceptionally cute right now. You all should hang out with her because it's darn fun. we went to the playground and Claire found a really large (nasty) bug. i'm not sure what kind of bug it was, but Claire did.

Now...i'm mentally preparing for the week...more editing...woohoo. i need to do some cleaning and organizing too. yea fall!!!!!


Shanna said...

Fall is my favorite time of year also, the weather is perfect, no air conditioning! Sounds like you had a great weekend:)

kborn said...

I'M SO JEALOUS of cool weather. it was actually nice yesterday (about 80)..can't wait for 65/70 and putting Q in the cute fall outfits we have!

Mindy said...

Sounds like fun!