
Meet: A very cute family

Zachary, Sydney, Miley, and Carley are all siblings. Miley and Carley are the youngest and are twins. They both have strong personalities and are uniquely individual. It really was a joy to see them assert some of their individualism. Sydney is the older sister who has tons of spunk and was a total ham for the camera. The oldest, Zach, was ever so patient with his sisters and totally loves them. When Sydney accidentally stepped on a bee and was stung you could just see the concern on Zach's face. I can just picture him being the older, protective brother someday! So here is their slideshow! It was a super fun time!


kborn said...

stepped on a bee?? OUCH!!

Carolyn said...

So Cute!!! Kelly, your kids are adorable!!! I just want to squeeze them! Nice job photographing four kids Christine!

Heidi said...

All the kids are so cute - what a fun family to grow up in! Well, maybe not so much fun for the lone brother when all those girls are teenagers...cute, cute, cute!