
The High Road

It's been a good week for me and Curt. School is going good as we finally wrapped up our unit on chemical reactions and i've had some uplifting conversations with students. Curt is having a blast helping people with their tri bikes too. We are figuring out that triathletes are dedicated, serious, and eager about their hobby/obsession. Lastly, we are doing a decent job of getting protein into our diets...more on this later.

Last night we were talking about friends/acquaintances we have or had in our lives. A lot of them have left such a positive impression. Here are the important lessons I have learned from them: slow to speak-quick to listen, gaining life experience brings perspective and richness, and being a blessing to others is amazing. I am grateful for their example.

I am really really excited about having the chance to become a person of substance. I'll definitely make mistakes along the way, but I believe so much in having solid ground to stand on....i get so excited thinking about it.

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