
5 more days

I just walked out of the room where we are currently storing gifts from the 3 showers and the bachelorette party. It's full of gifts! Most are still in the packaging that they came in! And the rest of the house is a mess...not very clean and full of wedding stuff. Yes, it's wedding central around here.

Almost every hour this past wknd was spent finishing up details for the wedding. If it's not meeting with someone, then it's picking up something, dropping off something, or going back to get something better.

I can't believe just two weeks ago was the bachelorette party. I had SO MUCH fun. We started off the day with some spa time at Juut in Wayzata. It was exactly what I needed. Very perfect. Then we went bowling and had dinner at Bryant Lake Bowl. To finish off the night we had dessert, warm beverages, and opened presents at Cafe Latte. Everything was great. I loved the time with my friends.

We are working very hard to finish up details. Everything the past two weeks has been so much fun. I'm trying to hold onto each moment. The days go by so fast. I'm getting very excited for everything. The anticipation is killing me...i wake up super early and am going to bed later and later. soon we will be Mr. and Mrs. Wood!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Shanna said...

Ahhhhhhhhhh, I can imagine how excited you are, it's going to be a great day:) I can't wait to get all dressed up.