
Sludge Lab and Favorite Pretzels

This is suppose to be a wedding blog, but I haven't posted a lot of wedding stuff lately. As soon as school is out I will be back in full wedding planning force.

I had an AWESOME day at school. We started the Sludge Lab today. Kids are given a sample of unknown substances. They need to use filtration, evaporation, and distillation techniques to figure out what they have. Today was Day 1 of sludge. I had everyone doing a filtration and it went very well.

After school I went to Target to pick up some mid-week snacks. I grabbed 2 bags of pretzels: Rold Gold Honey Wheat Braided Twists and Rold Gold Honey Mustard Tiny Twists. Very yummy.

Finally, I am getting quite excited for the month of June. My brother Calvin will be graduating from high school; so we will get to celebrate this milestone in his life by attending his commencement ceremony and grad party. Also, last night Curt and I were talking about his triathlon schedule for June. BUSY!!! Every weekend he will be racing! We will be traveling out of the state for some of his races. He's been very disciplined with completing his workouts. We are excited to see what happens with the results.

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