
Ceremony Music

I've put a lot of "investigative" work into finding string players for the ceremony. I've emailed music professors from MSU and Gustavus. I've put a notice on Craig's List. I've emailed teachers from both Mankato East and West. I also emailed the general manager for the Mankato Symphony Orchestra. My first tangible option was a trio from the Mankato Suzuki School of Music. I was excited at first, but then became leary about the "suzuki" method of teaching and the fact that we could have some novices. Creaking violins don't sound the best! Then, the Mankato Orchestra put me in contact with one of their members, Steve Dunn, who teaches at West and plays the violin! Steve plays in an ensemble with his wife and sister. Sweet.

Anyway, here our my ideas for ceremony music:

Brandenburg concerto III, 3rd movement (Bach)
Simple Gifts
Sheep May Safely Graze (Bach)
Canon in D (Pachelbel)
Music after opening prayer:
Be Thou My Vision
Candle Lighting Ceremony:
Come What May (as a male vocal)
Communion Music:
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (Bach)
Lord's Prayer (Malotte)
Entrance of Queen Sheba (Handel)
Ten minutes of baroque pieces

by the way...the picture is of the director for the mankato orchestra...kind of cheesy.

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