
Married: Tyler and Kelly

Super sweet Kelly and Tyler are now married! Here are some things I will remember from their day:
1. Kelly...she is all charm. I was amazed at how thoughtful she was. She was constantly checking to see if I was doing okay or if everyone else was feeling comfortable. During Kelly and Tyler's first look I stumbled coming down some steps. Instead of getting mad, we all kind of laughed at my clumsiness and of course Kelly asked if I was okay! Kind of embarrassing.
2. Holding hands. Kelly and Tyler were constantly holding hands. So sweet.
3. The ceremony was really joyful.
4. The goldfish centerpieces at the reception.
5. The dance was so much fun!!!! Check out some of the dance images in the slideshow!
Congrats again and thanks for having me be a guest at the wedding!
Here is their slideshow or you can click ***HERE*** to view in a different window.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

The dance party did look fun, what were they doing on the floor? (er, what song were they dancing to?)

I like the shot with the bubbles in the air for some reason, the light really captured the colors!