
We will be open this year for...

Trick or Treaters! Yea! I just bought the candy. We will be providing assorted chocolate minis, swedish fish, and sour patch kids! Yea!

I've never really been a fan of Halloween because I don't like the idea of being scared or evoking terror in other people. But I like the possibility in making Halloween a fun, family-oriented event that can draw neighbors together. And kids in cute and friendly costumes are always welcome! Yea!

And gosh am I ready for Halloween this year! I've completely soaked in all of autumn's goodness; from the beautiful weather, colors, smells, to the yummy treats. Enjoy the last few days of autumn!


Heidi said...

Oh, you crack me up. Swedish fish?! Yum, I might have to come trick or treat at your house.

Mindy said...

I would come for the treats at your house, too!

Shanna said...

I want that costume for Audrey, how cute. I will be there!