
warm fuzzies

no recap of the wknd. curt took care of this on his blog. but if you are looking for a possible worthy movie rental...check out Into the Wild. Based on a true story, a young man ventures into the wilderness of Alaska to figure out things...he rejects all societal norms like money, social class, material possessions, and image to explore freedom and true happiness. there are moments that are uncomfortable and moments filled with warm fuzzies.

speaking of warm fuzzies...my favorite part of the day is coming home. It's nice to chill out and eat with my sweetie.


Shanna said...

We tried to rent that movie this weekend, it was sold out, we'll keep trying.

Curt Wood said...

I can't remember many moments of warm and fuzzies from that movie. Not to spoil it for anyone, but the guy kind of has an abandonment thing going on. I was really interesting to see his bizzare thoughts and inner motivations for doing the things he did.

Carolyn said...

Interesting, when Chard was home for the weekend, he was reading that book, and saying how good it was.