

nate, nikki, and claire stopped over for a relaxing visit last night. Claire is precious. She entertained us with her ABCs, pooping sounds, silliness, and healthy appetite. It was fun to experience things through her eyes. Don't be surprised if she learns to write her name in a few months! Her ability to focus and concentrate is amazing. anyway, we are excited to see how Claire's family will grow and evolve. Good things will come their way!

the newlyweds have definitely discussed kids. we are going to stay true to the plan to wait. with age comes wisdom and patience. more wisdom and patience can only help with raising a child.

in the mean time we are enjoying being DINKS (dual income no kids). it gives us time, spontaneity, flexibility, and mobility in all aspects of life. we will be ready to have kids when we have seriously thought these things through: the impact on friend and family relationships, the financial impact, readiness to parent for the next 21 years...having a kid isn't all fun and games.

also, i would need to start praying for courage. i am wimpy. the thought of the delivery alone makes me queasy cheesy.


Anonymous said...

For the record, I've always thought of you two as dinks :-)

marcyw said...

Funny. Nice post. Honestly, never fear the delivery... by the time you get there, you'll be so ready to be done being pregnant you will be begging for the moment :-)!

I think it's awesome you guys are spending time as a couple first!

Shanna said...

I agree, spending time as a couple first is great. Don't worry about the delivery, I will give you all the details you will need to be prepared, ha.

kborn said...

NICE. kids are fun...but it was fun being DINKs too!!!

Mindy said...

Everyone is ready for a baby at their own time. Enjoy the 2 of you for awhile! Kids are great when you are ready!

Those others are right-don't worry about labor. I can't vouch for a natural delivery, but even recovery from a c-section wasn't terrible...and I'm a wimp, too!