
1st official week of training

It's a bit nerve wracking. This week marks the 1st official week of Grandma's marathon training. It's nothing big, but Curt has me doing a hill workout on Thursday (my 1st ever) and a 10 mile run this weekend! I am focused, but also very intimidated. At the same time I am grateful for being able-bodied. It's a blessing to run free.

Yesterday we shampooed the carpet with a rented machine from Rainbow Foods. It was kind of slick. Kind of gross to see the murky water come out. And I watched the new Knight Rider. Cheesy! A short appearance by David Hasselhoff and Kit the Car were the only redeeming things about the show. Curt really likes the Knight Rider theme song.

Today I join many other Minnesotans in our disgust with the weather. It's such a bummer to go from 30 degrees to 0 degrees. Argh...trying to stay optimistic. Spring and all it's goodness is just around the corner....


Doug and Bev said...

Good luck with the training.It sounds like you have a great coach.All the taining that you put in will show up on the day of the marathon.I'm with you on the weather thing, I'm ready for some real warm (50 or so would do) I wonder what it's like in Hawaii?

Shanna said...

Good luck with training, especially the 10 miles this weekend, whoa. I have to admit, I actually miss running, I really got into last year training for that triathlon, I will need some serious help later this summer when I try it again.

I am also hating today's temperature, uggghhhh, I cannot wait for warmer weather.

Carolyn said...

Aren't those carpet cleaners slick?? Yes, it is gross to see what really is in your carpet. . .