
Half Marathon Update

I was able to finish the race! I felt great and happy before the race even though I was a bit scared about what was ahead of me...2 hours of torture. Curt came to watch too! It was super nice to have him there. I was able to see him a few times on the urban/wildland course. My race day strategy...stay calm and rely on muscle memory from other race experiences. Everything worked out perfectly as I was quite grateful and happy to finish. My time: 2 hours and 3 minutes!

Here is what my training consisted of the week before the race. I get a kick out of this.

Monday: 2.5 mile run
Tuesday: torturous 8 mile run, my longest run of the year
Wednesday: walk on the treadmill and a few laps in the pool
Thursday: nice 4 mile run
Friday: swam 1/4 of a mile in the pool


Shanna said...

Way to go Christine!

Is that Sven?

Carolyn said...

hey, nice job Christine!

Curt Wood said...

I totally got a close up look at Sven. Check out those guns! He's so dreamy:)