
Lutsen Pictures

Fresh, crisp air. Lake Superior. Hilly terrain. Woodland creatures. Vacationing in Lutsen allowed the Wood clan to relax and play together. The weather was perfect for all (especially me...yeah cooler weather!). I had lots of firsts: going down the alpine slide, sven and ole's, grand marais, tobies, pretty much the entire experience at Lutsen!! Our meals were excellent too as most of our dinners were already prepared! All we needed to do was heat everything up! And Doug treated us to his gourmet pancakes and oatmeal for breakfast.


Shanna said...

Love the pics, I miss Lutsen.

Doug and Bev said...

The pictures are great. I want to go back already!!

kborn said...

what is a gourmet pancake??

Mindy said...

Great pictures! Looks like you all had a lot of fun.

Heidi said...

Love the nature shots! The smores look delish, mmmmm.

Doug and Bev said...

Fantastic photo montage Chistine! What a talent.I am reminded once again how blessed I am to be a part of this family.These gourmet pancakes are Canadian Oaty hot cakes. What a great trip.